
Brazil: Social movements hold national protests against proposed pension reform

Nation-wide protests are being held to denounce President Temer’s proposed pension law.

São Paulo (SP) |
Demonstrators gather in Brazil protesting
Demonstrators gather in Brazil protesting - Elitiel Guedes

Members of social movements, labor federations and civil society groups of Brazil are holding national protests on Tuesday in opposition to the proposed pension reform. 

The protests are being held leading up to a crucial vote on the proposed pension reforms, which would scrap the average retirement age of 54, making it mandatory that women retire at 62 and men at 65. 

Meanwhile, last month a judge in Brasília ordered the suspension of the government’s advertising campaign aimed at convincing Brazilians of the need for pension reform.

According to a recent survey carried out by the polling agency Vox Populi, 93 percent of Brazilians are against the proposed pension reform. 

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Edited by: Simone Freire | Translation: Nate Sigham