2020 Elections

Online violence the main form of attack against black female candidates this election

Eight out of 10 candidates suffered some type of online violence such as threats, offenses or profile invasions

Translated by: Ítalo Piva

Brasil de Fato | Rio de Janeiro |
The data was compiled by the Marielle Franco Institute, in partnership with the Global Justice and Terra de Direitos organizations - Arquivo/Agência Brasil

The preliminary version of the “Political Violence Against Black Women” survey was published last Friday, November 6th. Altogether, 142 black women from 21 states and all regions of Brazil participated in the study, that gave a snapshot of race and gender issues, and how they relate to the types of violence present in this year's electoral process.

The results of the preliminary assessment reveal that 98.5% of black women reported suffering more than one type of political violence. Eight out of 10 candidates, totaling 78%, experienced online violence, that is, threats, offenses, social media profile invasions and online harassment; six out of 10 women suffered due to psychological violence, such as emotional damage and decreased self-esteem or morale, a total of 62%. The third type of reported violence was institutional, practiced by public or private bodies or institutions, affecting five in every 10 candidates, totaling 55% of the research participants.

The study also questioned black candidates about reports of aggression. According to the survey, 32.6% of women reported violence and 70% of the candidates stated that filing a complaint did not bring more security to their political activities.

The research initiative comes from the Marielle Franco Institute in partnership with Global Justice, and the Terra de Direitos organization. It mapped the types of political violence that have manifested against black female candidates and the effects this has had on the lives of these women, within the scope of the 2020 municipal elections.

The study took place virtually between October 21st and 28th. An online questionnaire consisting of 41 questions, 33 of them set and eight open ended. In addition, the survey was divived into segments: the socio-demographic profile of the candidates, mapping the occurrence of political violence against black women, complaints and reports.

The full poll "Political Violence Against Black Women" will be launched in late November, before the second round of the elections.

Edited by: Jaqueline Deister