A group of 15 public figures filed yet another impeachment request against President Jair Bolsonaro in Congress on Monday, May 24th. The document is signed by a movement entitled "Vidas Brasileiras" (Brazilian Lives), which it is not "linked to political parties or any organization or association".
"We are members of Brazilian civil society, from the most diverse of sectors, origins and convictions, and what unites us is the urgent need for change in Brazil’s political and administrative conduct, especially in healthcare", says the manifesto on the group’s website.
The filing, addressed to the head of Congress, Arthur Lira, lists a series of actions taken by Bolsonaro that would constitute crimes of negligence. Among the measures highlighted in the document are encouraging the use of drugs that have no proven efficacy against covid-19, as well as discouraging the use of masks as a way to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. The request was signed by:
Ailton Krenak, indigenous philosopher and writer;
Chico César, musician and activist;
Cristina Serra, journalist;
Fábio Porchat, comedian and TV show host;
Felipe Neto, youtuber;
Hermes Fernandes, pastor and theologian;
Julia Lemmertz, actress;
Father Júlio Lancellotti, activist;
Ligia Bahia, feminist activist;
Marcelo Gleiser, astronomer;
Raduan Nassar, writer;
Vanderson Rocha, physician;
Veronica Brasil, transexual female city councilor from the city of Aracaju;
Walter Casagrande, sports commentator and former football player;
Xuxa Meneghel, TV show host.
The 42-page motion was filed by lawyers Breno Melaragno Costa, João Pedro Pádua and Júlia Alexim, all accredited by the Brazilian Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro.
"The intentional and repeated crimes of negligence by the President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, make it necessary for the legislative branch, which has jurisdiction to supervise the actions of the Executive, to act in order protect the integrity of our constitutional order, as well as to protect the health and lives of the population ", demands the" Vidas Brasileiras "movement.
Survey monitors impeachment requests
Since the beginning of the Bolsonaro administration, 117 impeachment requests have been sent to the head of Congress, with 64 original, 7 complementary and 46 duplicate requests. So far, only 6 motions have been taken up or disregarded. The other 111 are awaiting analysis.
The data was compiled in a survey carried out by the Public Investigative Journalism Agency. The monitoring points out that in all, 1,490 people and more than 500 organizations have called for Bolsonaro’s impeachment.